Susan was the guest of Donna Jo Thornton on The Morning Breeze, August 31, 2019.
Listen to the archived show here. (Susan's hour starts at about the 40:00 mark)
Songs from To The Crossroads And Back were featured.

On April 15, 2022 Susan was the guest on Carnival of Randomness, a podcast out of Rochester, NY.
It's an hour of Susan talking mostly about surf music and related topics, and her musical saga. Here's a link to listen.

Listen to Susan's interview on "Coming Out With Lauren and Nicole" available on iTunes here.
"Some of the freaking incredible things she talks to us about include being at Smith College the year that "everybody came out," what it was like to be a rocker in NYC in the late '80s, her conversations with the first person to throw a punch at Stonewall, and the time Andy Warhol saw her eat pizza."
(November 21, 2018)

Chrissy and Miriam interviewed Susan on Females Unfiltered (November 19, 2018)

Check out this podcast on OUTTAKE VOICES with Susan and other panelists at the
2018 ClexaCon Conference in Las Vegas!
Two Gay Geeks Podcast:

"The Two Gay Geeks have a chat with Susan Surftone, FBI Agent turned Surf Guitarist,
about her career and how she got into music." Here's a link to the show from October 8, 2018.

Susan talked with Jeffrey Masters on his podcast "LGBTQ&A" in November.
Click the link for his iTunes site with the free download of the show available.

Susan walked live on Facebook with Jennie McNulty on "Walking Funny with Jennie".
If you didn't see it live, you can still watch it here.

Susan helped kick off Pride Week on June 6, 2017 with Alexander Rodriguez on the On The Rocks Radio Show
Here's Susan's March 28th interview with Scott Fullerton on his Blog Talk Radio program, "Left of Str8."
Susan was a guest on "The Tracy & Craig Show" on Feb.17, 2017
and you can listen to the entire show here. (Note: this one gets political.)(Susan's segment starts at 51 minutes in.)
Listen to Susan's interview with Bebe Sweetbriar on "The Michelle Meow Show" (Susan's segment starts about 31 minutes in.)
Here is Susan's interview on the "Tomboy Tirade" with Persis and Raven here on Player FM.
It's "Party Foul Radio with Pollo and Pearl"
- Susan is interviewed by host Pollo del Mar on January 18, 2017.
Listen to the show here.
Here's Susan's January 8th, 2017 interview with Carrie Silva on her Blog Talk Radio program "A Kind Voice:"
They spent the hour "discussing and reflecting on Susan's path from Quantico to the studio and beyond."
Listen here to Susan's interview on The Michelle Meow Show from October 18.
Susan was a guest on Ken Schneck's weekly radio show "This Show Is So Gay" on May 25.
They discussed Susan's upcoming EP release, The Magician, the pre-release single Blue Moon of Kentucky,
upcoming new video, leather jackets, Elvis, and much more.
Click on the show title above to visit the site, sit back and listen to the whole show.
The Diversity of Classic Rock... A new interview with Susan by Angie Moon (July 22, 2020)
Susan was interviewed in Upstream Indie (June 24, 2020)

Susan's interview with Lindsey G. in "The Girls And Company" (March 14, 2019)

Susan's interview in Gay Life After 40 here. July 17, 2018.

Susan's interview in Vents Magazine here. June 25, 2018.

Susan's April 17, 2018 interview with Matt Skallerud on "LGBTBold" here.

Susan's March 21, 2018 interview in "Profiles In Pride".

AfterEllen comments on "2nd To One" and shares their interview with Susan here.

Great interview on Girl Talk HQ: "Fmr FBI Agent Turned Surf Guitarist Using Her Voice To Advocate For The LGBTQ Community" November 14, 2017.

Interview with Kristen Voorhees in Tagg Magazine: Musiq Scene - Susan Surftone / October 23, 2017.

Susan talks with Caleb Mansfield in Vital Voice.

Susan talked with Philip Zonkel in Q-Voice News.
Here's the link to the article.

Susan was interviewed by Julie Vaillancourt in Fugues Magazine, Montreal, Quebec.
Here is a link to the article (in French.)

Great interview with Jocelyn MacDonald in AfterEllen

Susan's interview with Matt Baume in Out Magazine.

Susan's interview with Ginger Coyote in the April, 2017 edition of Punk Globe magazine.
Susan SurfTone talks music, influences and guitars in an interview with Guitar Girl Magazine here.
The Schoemer Show, WGXC, Hudson, NY - Oct. 24, 2012 with host Karen Schoemer (Susan's interview starts at 1:00:00.)
Carolyn Fox's Hollywood Spotlight, June 16, 2012.
Odom's Bottomless Pit, KUSF In Exile - Sept. 24, 2012 with host Stoo Odom
Rock Over America - April 13, 2012 with Mark Lewis
Rock Over America - July 26, 2011 - Susan and producer Steve Kravac, with Mark Lewis.
Susan SurfTone on Outsight Radio Hours. December 11, 2011 with host Tom Shulte